Monday, 8 April 2013

Me And My Sisters Made Birds!!!!!

This is what you can do with: paint, styrofoam balls, pipecleaners, feathers, glue, tooth picks, and googley eyes. We named them: first bird is: Curly, Blue bell, Finchen, Harold, Brenda, Oceanblue, Beachey, Mohawk, Peekee, Peeket.


  1. You did really well with these, how creative! I love them all, but I think Harold is a star. I can't wait to hang them up in their new home.

  2. They look fabulous, Olivia! You are really creative. We miss not seeing you and think of you often.
    Megan (from Churchill)

  3. That is so cool Olivia! The one I like the best is the last one because it is all my favorite colors!

    I miss you!

    Bye! :)
