Okay, So i`ve decided to make this a blog where I can just go on rants about things that other people do that i don't like, or things that i just dont like in general. Normally i`m a pretty positive person and i don`t usually focus on things i dont like, wich is why i need a place to go to vent, and i`ve decided to make this that place. Okay, since it`s winter right now, ive decided to make my first rant on things i dont like about winter...
1. (now, only people with long hair are going to understand this one)
when you're getting ready to go out side, getting on your boots, and the occasional
snow pants, and you're doing up your coat, and you zip your hair. And thats not
even it, then you think to yourself "oh, its not too bad, i'll just pull it out" and you
end up just ripping out a chunk of your hair.
2. The fact that, you just can't breathe through your nose. Unless you wanna end up
blowing frozen snot bubbles or just having snot frozen onto your face.
3. (again, only people with long hair will get this one)
When your hair just forms miraculous ice crystals.
4. (only people with glasses will understand this one)
Your glasses fog up. Whether youre wearing a scarf over your nose or just walking
inside, you just can't see. And, for most people if you try to take them off, everything
is just blurry wich has pretty much the same effect. And on the glasses note...
5. Your glasses get so cold it's literally painfull! And as i said in number 4 you cant take
them off! so you're pretty much stuck with pieces of ice on your face.
6. The cold hurts. Like, a lot.
If anyone else has anything that they hate about winter that i didn't mention (or if you just want me to know that you agree with anything listed above) then leave me a comment and tell me about it! Bye!